CP Statistics Research Project
This course will now shift to a "use what you have learned" mode. Instead of learning more material, we will put what we have learned to use by doing a group research project. In most math classes, it is very difficult to see how what you are learning can be put into practice. This is definitely NOT the case with statistics.
In this project, each group of THREE students will decide on a topic that they wish to explore. Then they will collect data concerning this topic, analyze the data and reach conclusions to answer their original question(s). Along the way, the group will explore research that has been done on their topic by others. Lastly, the project will culminate with a written paper and a presentation to the rest of the class. Note - groups must consist of students who are in the same class period.
The links at the top of this page will give you all of the information you need to complete this project. Here is a brief description of each section:
- PROPOSAL - Explains what you need to write in your project proposal
- OUTLINE - A brief description of the project and its requirements
- STRUCTURE - Detailed information about each part of the research paper
- PRESENTATION - Information about the project presentation
I have been assigning this project, in some form, since I started teaching statistics in in 1997. Over the years, many of my students have told me it was the most enjoyable and worthwhile project they did while in high school. I hope you will agree.
So let's get started...